Friday, October 30, 2009

Prevent Osteoporosis with Vitamin D

Please note that lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to osteoporosis. Especially in times vulnerable when you reach the age of 50 years.

Therefore National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends that adults who reach age 50 or under 50 years are encouraged to consume as much daily vitamin D 400-800 IU (International Unit).

As for you over the age of 50 years are encouraged to consume as much vitamin D 800-1000 IU per day.

However, today many health experts agree that consumption of vitamin D per day to more than 2000 IU, because it is very important to fight the disease.

Want to know where we can get vitamin D in order prevented from osteoporosis?

1.Anda can consume oily fish like salmon, because the salmon contain much vitamin D 360 IU. Can be also added with Sardines (250 IU) and Skipjack tuna (200 IU)

2.Bisa you also find vitamin D in milk, orange juice, and fruit juice (100 IU), soy milk (120 IU), butter substitutes (80 IU), and some cereal and yogurt.

We can also 3.Suplemen consumption to increase the supply of vitamin D for our bodies, because the average supplement contains 400 IU of vitamin D per day. There was even a calcium supplement containing vitamin D as much as 1000 IU per capsule.

4.Menikmati sunlight is an easy way to obtain supplies of vitamin D. Health experts say, is only 5-10 minutes you bask in the hot morning sun to get enough vitamin D to the body.

So wait let alone, immediately preventing osteoporosis, the disease early.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New vehicle Full Challenges for Children

This new playground is designed so that parents can play with children

You'll want baby always joyous. The most appropriate way to make him happy is to ask him to play with. You can make the game itself with the goods at home or take her to the playground.

One of the playground that allows you and baby to play together is Miniapolis in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta. Indoor playground that consists of these six vehicles, can make you and baby spend time together with the play.

Some vehicles are made so you can accompany and play with baby. "Games and rides are available at Miniapolis was deliberately created so that children and parents can play together. Thus, children not only spend time with his own play," said Amelia Aryanti, Marketing Communication Executive Miniapolis the press conference, 28
October 2009.

One of the unique vehicle is Digiwall, ie rock climbing game. Rock climbing is specially designed with a variety of computer games can be exciting and the whole family. This game Digiwall physical and sensory training children to move more actively.

In addition, there are also Doodles can stimulate children's creativity. Activities in Doodles quite diverse, including painting, writing, and crafts. Then there are also weekly activities such as cooking, assembling robots, modeling and performance art.

Another vehicle that is Mr. Crick Express is a train that circled the area Miniapolis, namely Carlo carousel Carousel, Noa's Park is a playground for children under 6 years of transportation-themed and Hide Out is a playground tree house concept for children aged 6 years and over.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reality About Substitute of Sugar

If you frequently eat sugar substitute in foods, know the facts!

To reduce the consumption of calories from sugar, many people use a sugar substitute. For diabetics, sugar substitutes can be said to be safer than natural sugar. If you include people who often use sugar substitutes in foods, know the facts about sugar substitutes.

- Sucralose
Sucralose is a sugar substitute that contains no calories at all. Can be used Untk making bread or cake. Sucralose is safe for diabetics. But the sense of sucralose 600 times sweeter than natural sugar. Limit consumption, maximum 330 mg per day.

- Saccharin
Is a sugar substitute saccharin, which contain less than four calories per packet. It was 300 times sweeter than natural sugar. Saccharin can also be used for making cakes, bread or other sweet foods. Each package contains saccharin 36 mg bias, and limit your consumption of 9 packages per day.

- Aspartame
Some time ago had circulated rumors that aspartame can trigger a dangerous disease like brain cancer. But according to the National Cancer Institute, United States, there is no scientific evidence that proves this.

For people with a genetic disorder phenylketonuria (a disease of amino acid metabolism) are not allowed to consume aspartame. Limit your intake of aspartame is 3.290 mg per day. Many contain aspartame in diet soda, candy and a few drinks without sugar. So before consuming food or drink inside look at the content.

Lower Blood Pressure By Natural

Many natural ways you can do to stabilize blood pressure.

High blood pressure if left alone could cause a stroke. For those of you who have a tendency to high blood pressure, a lot of ways that can be done to stabilize blood pressure. In addition to taking blood pressure control, there is another way that is more natural.

- walk on
Hypertensive patients are encouraged to walk every day at least 30 minutes. It would be better if the walk also brings a little burden as Dumbell. Walking and exercise helps the heart use oxygen efficiently, so as not to work hard to pump blood.

- Take a breath slowly
Try to breath slowly, not breathing hard and more regular. You can practice yoga, or tai chi to more regular breathing. During morning and evening, for five to enjoy the breath of the appeal and dispose slowly. This can reduce renin, an enzyme in the kidneys that can increase blood pressure.

- Consumption of foods rich in potassium
According to Linda Van Horn, PhD, a professor from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medical, United States, eating food that contains high potassium can lower high blood pressure. Try to consume potassium 2000 to 4000 mg per day. Foods containing high potassium include potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, peas and oranges.

- Limit your intake of sodium
Some people are very sensitive when eating salt or sodium. Excessive salt intake can trigger high blood pressure. Consumption of salt or sodium per day should not exceed 1500 mg (half a teaspoon dose contains 1200 mg of salt). So cut the consumption of salt, so that the blood pressure remained stable

- Consumption of dark chocolate
Dark chocolate or dark chocolate contains flavanol that can make blood vessels more elastic. One study showed patients who consumed 0.5 ounces of dark chocolate every day, his blood pressure decreased significantly.

Be careful, seduction Death Diet Products

Low-fat products may not be able to make your body slim. Check contents here!

It's eating foods labeled 'low fat' or low-fat, but still not slim body? Be careful, this diet product can not be shrunk body weight. Instead, health problems can be obtained if you eat too much of this product.

Products that say low fat or low-fat was not always low in calories. That fact, low-fat foods can have as many calories of other foods that are not low in fat.

This can be seen from the sweet taste, which indicates the presence of sugar. Trace the presence of these sugars are often disguised in the name of scientific impressed, such as fructose. In fact, fructose is a form of simple sugars.

In addition, to preserve flavor and delicious low-fat products, manufacturers often add the other ingredients. One was the addition of hydrogenated oil products of fat-free cookies.

Whereas, in the process of cooking, this material actually change the structure of compound trans fats into fatty acids (TFA / bad cholesterol) which makes narrowing of blood vessels when consumed in excessive amounts. TFA also caused blood flow to the skin becomes smooth. As a result, the skin, especially the face, so it looks dull.

The facts above are not intended to proscribe low fat products. However, it invites you to be more cautious and wise in consuming these products. The following important info you need to know!

- Low fat: It has 3 grams of fat / 100 grams.
- Reduced fat: Having a fat content less than 25% of the total
content of standard products.
- Light: Has the fat content of 50%.
- Fat free: fat content of less than ½ gram.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tricks Easy Slow Aging

To delay the appearance of wrinkles, there are four foods that should be consumed regularly.

Slow aging skin you can do as early as possible. Not only by using expensive cream treatment but also through the foods you eat.

Adjust your diet, not only nourish the skin but also other organs. To maintain, treat and slow the skin aging, there are four foods that should be consumed regularly.

1. Consumption of colored vegetables and fruit every 4 or 5 hours
The more we get older making less and less natural antioxidants. For that you need to eat foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent wrinkles and dull skin.

Foods that should be consumed is colored vegetables and fruits, like oranges, watermelon, broccoli, carrots and much more. Try to eat vegetables and fruit color every four or five hours. This was to increase the antioxidants in the body in order to counteract the free radicals trigger many wrinkles on the skin.

2. Fulfill the needs of fluid
Drink eight glasses of water a day is a must if you want to have a supple skin and no wrinkles fast. If you do not like water, can consume green tea, low-fat milk or soy milk. Do not let your menglami dehydration because lazy drinking, because not only have an effect on the skin but also kesehtan kidney.

3. Get 30% calories from protein
After 30 years of age, muscle mass will decrease 3% to 8% every ten years. You do not want muscles around the face of seemingly automatic slack because of reduced muscle masaa. The fix is to consume animal protein.

Not only prevent loss of muscle mass but also prevent stabilize blood sugar levels, and assist the growth of new cells. Eat lean beef, fish, eggs, seafood, and nuts, to meet the body's protein needs.

4. Consumption of wheat products
Eat regular wheat products. If you do not like oatmeal, you can eat wheat bread at breakfast. Combine with fruits and vegetables in the sandwich. By eating wheat, your fiber needs will be met and the other effect is to slow the skin aging because they contain many vitamins and minerals.

5 Types of Stress Prevention Food

There are variety of foods can you eat to prevent and reduce stress.

When you are stressed your body will feel tired, nervous tension, headaches and trouble sleeping. If you experience constant would have a negative impact on physical health. There are five foods can you eat to prevent and cope with stress.

- Spinach
Eating spinach five teaspoons per day to meet the needs of 40% magnesium adult body. According to Beth Reardon, RD, head of nutrition research at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, United States, magnesium is a mineral that can reduce the stress on the body by stopping the blood pressure rises.

- Orange
People who had the flu, tend to work under pressure and stressful. That's according to research conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. For that, do not let your body susceptible to flu by eating oranges on a regular basis.

- Chocolate
Cokeat will generate relaxation in the body and can reduce stress. "Cokeat enhance neurochemical level, it is part of the brain that cause the feeling of happiness and relaxation," says Alan Hirsch, MD, head of the "Smell & Taste Treatment Research Foundation" in Chicago, United States such as quotes from VIVAnews

- Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon and tuna, can make you more calm. According to the research, someone who ate healthy fatty acids, three times a week, stress hormones will be much reduced.

- Porridge oats
To choose oatmeal for breakfast. B Vitamins its rate may trigger the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that increases work sending signals to the brain. Elisa Zied, RD, author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips, recommend to eat wheat every day, so that stress can be reduced.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Just Save Your Vitamins

Quality vitamins that will be consumed may decline if the storage means arbitrary.

Did you know that vitamins are generally highly vulnerable to changes in heat and the light? Therefore, the age of vitamins or supplements you are very dependent on where you put it down.

There are usually put the bottles of vitamins in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, next to the window, or near the stove (in the pantry, for example). If your vitamins are in places like that, consider whether the vitamins are located in hot or sunny lots.

In addition, there is not advisable to put vitamins in one part of the refrigerator. "Some chemicals in vitamins also be broken down or damaged if the temperature changes drastically, for example, placed in the refrigerator," advises Cathy Fomous, Ph.D., a nutritionist.

Keep your vitamins in a closed space that does not experience drastic temperature changes, such as in cupboard in the room ber-AC/ruang cool. Thus, vitamin you'll live longer.

Six Food Energy Enhancer

The following food intake could be a source of energy you need.

These days you often feel tired and lacking energy? Please correct this condition of the body. Food intake into the body can be a source of energy you need. Here are foods that can increase the body's energy!

1. Cereals
This fiber-rich foods to reduce blood sugar levels so that energy reserves are at a constant level. Simultaneously, cereals rich in B vitamins that can help your spleen work better. Nutritionists recommend for breakfast with cereal with low fat milk.

2. Maize
These snacks are rich in nutrients that help increase energy and keep sugar levels balanced level. Madurese original food can make you concentrate better. Boiled corn with honey for a delicious meal for breakfast.

These vegetables rich in vitamin B12 and C are able to 'boost' the body's energy.

4. Green Vegetables
Brocoli, asparagus and spinach is believed to have vitamin B, substance magnesium and iron. It is advisable to consume them during lunch or dinner.

5. Peach Fruit
Experts believe the fruit is rich in water content, and has a laxative effect or a laxative effect. Peaches also can eliminate toxins. If you want to clean the digestive system, it is recommended to consume this fruit for 2-3 days.

6. Wine
Because rich in magnesium, these fruits are at the first stage trasnformasi glucose into energy. Wine is also believed to have a laxative effect. But be careful if you consume too much fruit can cause interference with the heart. Consumption at reasonable portion.

Fats Can Increase Fertility

Fats help the production of the hormone estrogen. Determinants of fertility hormones.

Most people would menggangap fat is the main enemy of weight loss. Especially if you are undergoing a strict diet program. As much as possible, you will reduce and avoid foods that contain fat.

In fact, fat also has a very important function for the health of the body. Especially for fertility. But of course, whereof also must be kept, do not let too much let alone lack. Health and vitality of the body not only caused by proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins but also fat.

In order for you not against fat, know some of the functions of fat for health.

1. Protector. Fat to protect us from extreme weather either hot or cold. Lemaklah that helps our bodies adjust to temperature changes.

2. Fertility. Fats help the production of hormones including the hormone estrogen. Woman in her body fat levels low, levels of the hormone estrogen tends to be low. Whereas hormone determines fertility.

3. Vitamin carriers. Fats can be regarded as carriers of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Lack of fat can cause vitamin deficiencies that can lead to various diseases.

4. Natural bearing organs. Fat to protect vital organs, so if there is conflict, the organ was covered with fat. If the lack of fat, the crash could have been directly hurt your vital organs.

5. Cell structure. Fat is part of our cells. Nail growth, hair, skin health is also dependent on fat intake. If you're short on fat, nails will grow with fragile, easily falling out of hair, and skin become dry easily. So, your beauty too dependent on fat, to not to lack.
6. Additional energy. Deficiency of fat can trigger headaches, your body was weak and difficult to do activities. It indicates that you are not energized. To avoid that consume foods containing healthy fats, such as beans, nuts and fish.

Prevent Anemia with Vitamin B12

Find out what foods should be consumed so that you free of complaints anemia.

Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products like meat, milk and eggs. Vitamin B12 deficiency can make you get anemia or deficiency is often called the real blood folate deficiency.

That's because without vitamin B12, folate can not contribute the maximum in-cell formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is needed for the release of folate, which helps the formation of blood cells red. Vitamin B12 is also very important in the process of blood cell formation and growth of other cells. Besides maintaining a layer that surrounds and protects nerve.

Unlike other vitamins are soluble in water, vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, kidneys and tissues. Thus vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are often only seen five or six years later. In addition to anemia, a deficiency of vitamin B12 negative impact on the nervous system, making the skin very sensitive and easily wrinkled.

Vitamin B12 works with the substance contained in the stomach as an intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is a substance that binds with vitamin B12 to be absorbed by the body. The more we get older, making the substance and the cells in the stomach forming intrisik factor decreases.

This lead to the decrease of oxygen absorption in cells and can trigger depression and tired muscles. So, from now meet the needs of vitamin B12 by eating animal products. If you do not like the product of animal or vegetarian, can consume vitamin B12 supplements are sold in the market.

Here's How Exactly Serve Tea

With the right presentation, you'll get the pleasure of tea flavor and benefits optimally.

Tea drinking habits are not removed from the life of Indonesian society. After eating to our throat may be more common than drinking the tea water. There was even carrying water for tea in a bottle can be taken anywhere.

The addition has a delicious taste, too many benefits. Include lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), lowers the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, prevent a stroke, lose weight and increase stamina. These benefits can you get if you mengonsumi quality tea leaves and served with care.

Serving tea is actually brewed tea with no more than 3 minutes and not let the tea leaves submerged for longer than that time. That way it will get a sense of enjoyment and optimal benefits of tea. Besides water quality also affects the quality of tea seduhan. Good quality water is water from mountain springs.

To get the maximum benefits of tea tea sajikanlah correctly. Namely how to:

1. Using water quality. Efficacy, taste and color of tea seduhan also influenced by the water used, because it was recommended to use good quality water.

2. Brewed tea leaves do not be too long, sufficient for 3 minutes and drain. The dosages used tea leaves can be customized to your tastes. If want to get a more intense taste, an additional dose of tea leaves.

3. Enjoy a dish of tea as soon as possible, while still warm.

4. Try to drink tea without sugar or other sweeteners.

5. Keep the tea leaves in airtight containers to keep dry tea leaves and to keep the aroma and flavor.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Working to Keep Focus During Fasting

Consider the following tips so you can stay focused on work while waiting for break time.

Hour break is still a few hours, but it seems your concentration is not focused. It was hard to concentrate when bepuasa usually appears as a reaction to the decreasing supply of blood sugar into the brain. Because blood sugar is the main raw material for the brain to function. Largest source of blood sugar is a carbohydrate and sugar.

To menyiasatinya, choose complex carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrate longer breaks down into blood sugar (which is more durable supply of blood sugar in the body) and does not make insulin rapidly increased (so that the blood sugar rapidly nor declining).

- At the dawn, rather than eating sugar, honey, and syrup (carbohydrate source mono), better select rice, potatoes, cassava, and sweet potato (complex carbohydrate source).

- Promote a good night time bit by bit, for example, fifteen minutes each day.

- Use office for bed rest. Try to sleep, at least 15 minutes - 30 minutes. In order to complete your sleep cycle

Be careful, Caffeine Poisoning

How caffeine servings are appropriate for you so that your body does not have poison?

We often consume caffeine every day, and without realizing that excessive levels of caffeine in the body can make poisoning. Caffeine poisoning is marked by the emergence of panic sudden and excessive fear, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, sleep disturbances and even hallucinations.

This can happen if you consume caffeine more than 300 mg per day. Caffeine is not only contained in coffee, many other beverages containing caffeine are also high. Among other canned sodas, sports drinks to chocolate bars.

For a cup of coffee contains on average 75 to 100 mg of caffeine. While the canned soda contains about 35 mg of caffeine, energy drinks and caffeine 80 mg chocolate bar 10 mg of caffeine.

So, always watch your drinks containing caffeine consumption is high or not. For pregnant women and children would be better to avoid caffeine, or if you consume a maximum of 100 mg per day.

As we know, caffeine can trigger addiction. As a result, consumption or because conditions berlbihan sensitive body with caffeine can lead to poisoning.

If you experience symptoms of headaches, muscle tension, could not sleep and a sense of panic when you're drinking caffeine poisoning. These symptoms can occur 12 to 24 hours after consuming caffeine, can even continue until 48 hours. To overcome and reduce the consumption of caffeine would be better if you stop the consumption for a while.

In order to Travel When Not Drunk Mudik

Prepare for this, so you can avoid motion sickness during the forth.

You can prevent the fall ill during the trip going home, as long as your body knows how to adapt in a way. Plus, also recognize the possibility of any health problems that may arise.

Travel overland
What causes travel sickness? In fact, motion sickness or motion sickness is a common condition that occurs in someone who was traveling. These discrepancies arise because the information sent by the body to the brain senses. Why did it happen?

In the human ear cavity, there are 3 fluid-filled canals are often referred to as the labyrinth. Each channel has a different circumference direction. When the head is moved, fluid in the canal come to move. In this way the liquid will tell the brain how far and how fast your head moving. In addition, this liquid can inform the direction in which the head moves. In this process, the nerves of the brain (vestibular nerve) helped.

dr. Indita Wiryawan, a nutritionist, explains that motion sickness occurs when the information conveyed by the inner ear and the eye to the brain, is different. Some
activity on the way to trigger this condition, such as reading in a moving car.

In addition to experiencing many children (aged 2-12 years), motion sickness suffered by women are also vulnerable (especially a pregnant or menstruating), people with vertigo, and migraine. Psychological factors, such as anxiety, fear, and trauma due to a particular type of vehicle ride, can also participate trigger motion sickness.

Air Travel
Jet lag is basically a change in body condition due to travel quickly by passing 5 or more time zones (therefore, often also called the time zone change syndrome). This is related to the work process 'body clocks' in human-regulated by chemicals in the brain, namely substance melatonin. For 24 hours straight, 'body clock' is working to regulate body temperature, hormone digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and also the brain works.

If you travel across several time zones, working hours your body will change. For example, in Indonesia should have the night and you're ready to sleep, then in the land of the day was lunch in the afternoon. As a result there is chaos in the body system which has been run regularly, so make your body feel very tired.

Jetlag be long or short, depending on the ability of a person's body adjusting. Generally, the body needs to adapt every single day across one time zone. However, you can mempersingkatnya, for example, by the way try getting enough sleep before you travel.

On the way, try to consume plenty of water
and fruit juices. Avoid alcohol and coffee because it can aggravate dehydration caused by dry air in aircraft cabins. Perform relaxation after arriving at their destination, such as moderate exercise or yoga.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why should Select Local from Import Fruit

These four reasons why you should prefer local fruit over imported!

We have still a lot of people think fruit and vegetable products coming from abroad is better than the local product. Whereas many of the products of local fruits and vegetables whose quality is very good.

In addition there are four quality issues is another reason why you should buy local vegetables and fruits. Find out why, and start to always buy local products.

1. Better taste
Fruit and vegetable products are more rapidly distributed to the market and society can easily buy it direct. Vegetables and fruits that are still in a state can be eaten fresh or processed into food. Taste of fresh vegetables and fruits would be better than fruit and vegetables from abroad who have for days in a cargo ship and was given a preservative.

2. More optimal nutrition
The reason we eat fruits and vegetables is one of the nutrients contained therein. The process of sending and mengemasan fruits and vegetables from abroad, can reduce or even eliminate the nutrients in it. Not to mention the bacteria contamination in vegetables and fruit during shipment. Fruits and vegetables best eaten soon after harvesting.

3. More affordable price
The price of local vegetables and fruits would be lower than the imported. That is because the cost of distribution is less expensive than imported fruits and vegetables. You also can not only save expenditure but also helps promote local farmers' economy.

4. Help prevent global warming
By buying local products also care for your environment. Cargo ships carrying fruits and local vegetables would make a lot of pollution from fuel combustion. Certainly more pollution than the pollution from shipping is used to carry fruit and local vegetables.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Waist Not Want stretchy? Reduce Sugar!

Minimize your sugar intake to avoid heart disease. Consider three ways to reduce the sugar!

Recently, the American Heart Association (American Heart Association / AHA) recommend that all people to reduce sugar intake to no elastic waist circumference, and protected from heart disease.

All you need to know, sugar content not only derived from sugar, but also from food and other beverages. Like, snacks and soft drinks. According to the AHA survey, the doctors recommend consuming no more than 355 sugar calories per day. The amount that can be derived from real sugar, or sugar content of food or other beverages.

The following AHA statement about how much sugar should we eat?

- In women should eat or drink, no more than 100 calories per day of added sugar in beverages such as coffee, tea, or fruit juice. So, about six teaspoons. As for the man about 150 calories, about 9 teaspoons.

As a reference, one can of soda contains about 130 calories or 8 teaspoons of sugar.

- Recommendations of the AHA is only valid for food or beverages that have not added sugar. Because actually, you also get the sugar intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and carbohydrate foods.

Want to reduce sugar intake? This way!

1. Consumption of fruit for dessert. Avoid eating ice cream or cake after the evening meal. In this way you can minimize your sugar intake and get the antioxidants and fiber from fruit to fight cancer.

2. Drink smart. Replace sodas with fruit juice without added sugar. If your hobby tea or coffee, should additional sugar should be no more than one teaspoon.

3. Consumption of homemade yogurt. Yogurt, fruit flavored packs usually contain high sugar. Therefore, serve your yogurt with added fruit pieces, such as strawberries, mangoes, and papayas. You get the sugar is natural sugar too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fruit Juice Energy For Full LAOS

To meet the iron needs, you can make juice repellent daytime sleepiness in this

When fasting the body tends to iron deficiency and make you prone to sleepiness. Moreover, if the food you eat can not meet the body's needs for iron, then what happens is anemia.

Anemia, according to the book 'The Secret to Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Juice' work and Dr. Budi Sutomo. Billy Ibrahim, occurs when the number of red blood cells as a whole or the amount of hemoglobin in red blood decreases.

With the reduction of hemoglobin or red blood earlier, the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body decreases. As a result, our bodies are also not getting enough oxygen which causes the body weak, easily tired and sleepy.

To meet the iron needs, you can create antianemia juice. This is very good juice consumed during meal. Of course the next day so you still fit the month of fasting.

- Juice Broccoli (for 1 cup)
75 grams of broccoli
50 grams of stems and leaves of celery, cut into pieces
150 grams of green grapes
60 ml of water ice
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 pieces of ice cubes

How To Make: Add broccoli, celery, green grapes and lemon juice into a juice extractor. Reserve juice. Pour broccoli mixture of juice and honey into a glass serving, stir well. Add the pieces of ice cubes. Serve immediately

- Carrot Cocktail (for 1 cup)
100 grams of carrots, cut into pieces
100 grams pumpkin, peeled and cut into pieces
100 ml lemon juice sweet / Sunkist / mandarin
2 mint leaves
3 pieces of ice cubes

How To Make: Add slices of carrots, yellow squash, orange juice and mint into the blender. Blend until smooth. Pour juice into a glass serving. Serve immediately.

Sari Kurma, Get No Weakness At Fasting

In addition to break, palm juice is also believed to produce 'boost' of energy when fasting.

During Ramadan, palm juice was purchased enough people to break the fast meal. All you need to know, date palm juice is also believed to produce health care, one for the body always fit.

Body was not fit for fasting? Try breaking with sari dates. In addition to breaking the feast, palm juice is also believed to produce 'boost' of energy when fasting.

In this fasting month, no wonder that sales of palm juice experienced a very significant increase. As happened in Bogor. "Not only people Bogor, but quite a lot of people from outside Bogor also bought these palm juice," said Mulyadi, one of the producers of palm juice which address the Road Captain Joseph, Kota Batu, Ciomas district, Bogor regency.

Well, if you feel your body is not fit for fasting? Try breaking with sari dates. In addition to breaking the feast, palm juice is also believed to produce 'boost' of energy when fasting.

According to Mulyadi, food made from palm residue is also very efficacious for patients with diabetes mellitus, because the content of carbohydrates, calories, and vitamins are well met.

In addition, Olive juice is also effective for treating people infected with dengue fever (DHF), trouble eating, and women who give birth. "Therefore, this Ramadan we were so overwhelmed to serve customers who book dates juice," said Mulyadi.

This is at least 11 Types of Healthy Food!

The following foods are nutrients will increasingly if treated appropriately.

You know, if there is no perfect diet. Either that, low-carbohydrate diet, high protein diets or other diets. Because, in fact we need all the nutrients. The core of the diet is to apply a balanced diet and healthy. So, as long as you apply a balanced diet and healthy you do not need to restrict food substances such as proteins and carbohydrates.

To implement a balanced diet of course you should also have to know the healthy foods that should be consumed. Healthy foods to eat foods were a little experience cooking process. Mainly vegetables, fruits, whole milk and others. Content of carbohydrates, protein and fat in it still has not added to the original seasoning or other seasoning.

Many important substances from the food lost in the cooking process, especially if cooked in a long time. For that minimize the cooking time to keep the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other natural nutrients found in food. It's that we eat food useful for the body and can meet our needs.

One example of food that you can consume without cooking or with a little cooking process is nuts. Beans can you eat right as a snack or as a sauce Lalapan without having to be boiled first. The important thing is you have to wash under clean running water. Then, to soybeans or peanuts, and then eat rebuslah briefly as a snack.

To get the best animal protein, we suggest you choose chicken or beef is growing in the meadows, not bred on the farm. Because, usually beef or chicken breed on the farm have been injected with hormones and antibiotics in order to grow big. Not to forget, the source of animal protein that we also frequent fish consumption is. Do not be too long to cook fish and should not be fried in oil that is too much and is very hot because it will remove nutrients.

For the fruit, which should always be your consumption is the apple. Apples contain a lot of fiber which is very good for the digestive system, mineral content is also good for the bones. Apael addition, there are also the fruit you eat on a regular basis, the pomegranate. Some studies show that pomegranate may slow the growth of cancer cells and could be a natural viagra for men. To eat the fruit should be consumed immediately and if the juice is made not to add sugar in it.

Also, do not miss the onion-bawangan include in your cooking. Like the onion, garlic, and onions. Garlic is well known for thousands of years ago serves to reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, some studies reveal garlic may help prevent cancer occurs.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Food preservative You Need to Know

Identify safe food preservatives consumed, and that could endanger the health!

Had felt uneasy with the food preservatives that can harm health? You are not alone. However, you need to know that not all harmful food preservatives.

To quote from the site POM, if the food preservatives that have passed the test is used in accordance labrotarium limits means we consume is safe. Preservative is safe for consumption, among other types of benzoic acid and salts, sorbat, and propionic, sulfur dioxide and sulfite, nitrite and nitrate, sodium chloride, sugar, acid, nisin, natamycin, subtilin, and the antioxidants BHA and BHT.

Benzoate is used to preserve the soft drink and ketchup, and fruit juice, tomato sauce, chili sauce, jams and jellies, sweets, order, and other foods. Propionic a preservative for bread and processed cheese. Sorbat usually used to preserve the margarine, fruit juice concentrates, and cheese.

Sulfites are a preservative for cut fries, frozen shrimp, and pineapple juice concentrates. Whereas nitrite can be used as preservatives of processed meats such as sausages, canned korned, or cheese.

Of course, there are additional materials used for food is prohibited. Chemicals are classified as hazardous substances in the food, the boric acid, salicylic acid, dietilpirokarbonat, dulsin, potassium khlorat, chloramphenicol, dibrominasi vegetable oils, nitrofurazon, and formalin.

However, you need to know, do not get complacent when buying groceries. Should note the following:

- Check the nutritional composition of what is contained in the food listed on the label.

- Observe whether the food is bright or very different from its original color. Snacks, crackers, noodles, or ice cream too flashy colored dyes may be added. Likewise, the color of processed beef to the color red as fresh meat.

- Try taste. Usually, we just jelly tongue distinguish between safe and not. Unsafe food is generally sharp taste, very tasty and makes the tongue 'sting'.

- Smell the aroma. Stale or rancid smell of the food sign is damaged / contaminated with microorganisms.

- Be careful, safety criteria were varied. Safe for one person may not be for others. Could have on a particular child preservatives may cause allergic reactions.

- Consider, if the food has been registered in BPOM (Agency for Drugs and Food) and the Public Health Service that can be seen from the packaging labels.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prevent Odor Mouth During Fasting

There is a way to reduce unpleasant mouth odor.
Consider the following tips! Not pleasant mouth odor can indeed be one of disruption during fasting. This condition occurs, since we do not consume food and drink for hours and automatic halitosis.

The increasing problem of bad breath during fasting, according to dr. Handrawan Nadesul, author of 'Healthy It Cheap', caused by reduced production of saliva, due to the water intake into the body decreases. In fact, saliva contains a special substance that plays an important role in maintaining healthy mouth and pressing the smell.

Want to reduce these health problems? Consider the following tips!

_ Before fasting, consult a dentist.

- After the last meal and before bed, clean the oral cavity by brushing the teeth and tongue slowly.

- Use a mouthwash to prevent bacterial growth and new tartar. In this mouthwash could be replaced with a mixture of half teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of hot water.

- After a break, drink water as much as possible to increase saliva production.

- Avoid strong-smelling foods like garlic, petai, or jengkol. Food should not be consumed because the smell of food would be absorbed by the blood and expelled through the breath. If it really wants to eat, should be consumed when breaking it, do not time meal.

Benefits of Lemon Juice

Tree free radicals that can make skin dry and packages with this habit!
Free radical is always attached to the body every day because of exposure to environmental pollution. If not immediately be resisted not only a negative effect on health but also the condition of our skin. As you know, free radicals can only be resisted by antioxidants.

Well, to get these antioxidants form a habit to always add the lemon juice to your tea every day. Especially if you consume the tea is green tea. With the lemon juice will increase antioxidant content.

In addition, the function can increase the effectiveness of lemons work antioxidants called catechins in green tea. These catechins can be weakened, even disappeared when reached in the intestine. You could say 80% catechins in green tea is not absorbed by the body.

Well, that catechin content is maintained, can disiasati by adding vitamin C in tea that you drink every day. Vitamin C is, will help the body absorb catechin by increasing acidity in the small intestine.

If you do not like lemon, citrus can be an alternative. Besides it's more delicious aroma is also very much felt. The benefits of this lemon, also can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, tumors and cancers

For this type of tea, green tea should select for a healthier than black tea. Because a higher antioxidant content compared with black tea. From now on, do not forget to add lemon juice in your tea cup.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Want to Slim? Try Sleep Disorders!

Be careful, someone who does not sleep with a big enough hit at risk of obesity.

Regular sleep can not only make your body fresh, but also can stabilize and can reduce your weight. Several studies have showed the relationship between sleep habits with weight.

Someone who does not sleep with a big enough hit at risk of obesity or being overweight. It is seen in children and the elderly. The reason is the lack of sleep the body will produce leptin and ghrelin hormone that triggers hunger. That hunger triggers a person to taste the food more than usual.

Two hormones that are making more hunger lack of sleep a person who will be more felt than usual. Of course it makes eating more and the effect on weight gain. Other causes are a lack of sleep tend to always feel weak and make it less moving and exercising. With so many without a balanced food intake with exercise, weight loss was more and more increasing.

In order for your weight is not increased because of lack of sleep should always sleep between seven to nine hours every day. Sleep and wake up at the same hour every day. That way you sleep more regularly, and quality.

Avoid or reduce caffeine consumption because it can make it difficult to sleep. In addition, caffeine can also trigger ulcers that make it difficult to sleep. Exercise regularly but not before bed. Sports will make your body temperature increases and makes it difficult to sleep. Make room atmosphere with comfortable lighting and do not put a television in the room.

If you have always been exercising and dieting, but weight loss might still rise due to the lack of sleep. Organize your schedule well enough to be able to sleep and body weight remained stable

Why Fasting Make Drowsiness on Daytime

Read this article to find out the cause and solution!

You experience a sense of irresistible sleepiness during fasting? It's natural. However, usually you can drink coffee to boost energy. But, what should be done to overcome this condition when fasting? Read this article to find out the cause and solution!

According to dr. Samuel Oetoro, nutritionists, kantik cause of great taste while fasting is due to the low intake of iron in the body. "This may happen if you are ignoring the nutritive quality of food during fasting," he said.
To anticipate this, Dr. Samuel suggested, should be lots of eating foods rich in iron, such as tempeh, oncom, nuts, dried anchovy, green leafy vegetables. And also liver and meat.

Thus, fruits and vegetables should not be forgotten during dawn and sunset. Useful addition for dessert, fresh fruit rich in vitamin C that can stimulate the effectiveness of iron absorption. Such as guava, papaya, orange, mango, pineapple.

And, to maintain stamina, dr. Samuel also recommended, "Eat the white water in sufficient quantities. When fasting the body more sensitive to water shortage than by lack of food."

Drinking water at dawn he could, but not to create a glut. By drinking sufficient water to prevent shortages of body fluids (dehydration), so the body can stay fresh. Limit foods, sweet drinks at dawn because the sugar will only waste energy supplies. Sugar only makes us a fresh moment, but after that the body will soon wither.

During dinner this long drinking water supplies should also be noted. In order to perform routine daily activities, each person spends an average of 2000 calories. To replace every 1 calorie of energy required 1 ml of water intake. Thus, from now on break until dawn we should drink at least 2000 to 2500 ml (1 cup = 250 ml), so that the body remains fresh throughout the day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rice Make Our Body Fat Fast?

There are several types of carbohydrates that can make the body fat. Identify types!

You must always eat carbohydrates to meet the needs of the body. Could be rice, bread, noodles, and much more. But Did you know there are some foods that include carbohydrates evil and classified in the High Glycaemic Index (HGI).

Carbohydrate category mean HGI carbohydrates that release excess sugar into the bloodstream more quickly. Eating carbohydrates can cause unstable blood sugar levels. It also can lead to increased deposits of fat, weight gain, speed and stamina to feel tired during the daytime decreased.

HGI carbohydrates which include white bread, pasta, rice, pastries, biscuits and some snacks. Many people consume too many carbohydrates HGI and was not aware that blood sugar is not stable.

To fix this, you do not need to eliminate them in the diet. Limit your consumption of carbohydrates and only seimbangakan diet to include protein, and fiber.

Expand consumption legume crops such as peas and beans plain because they contain protein and healthy carbohydrates. Nuts are also included lgi (low glycaemic index) which makes you full longer and keep blood sugar remains stable.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Stay Slim, Fat Consumption Although

Not only maintain weight, fat is also a natural remedy can be a pain.

We want to maintain or lose weight often hostile to those foods that contain fat. And not all fats are "bad" and makes you gain weight. Instead of fat you should consume on a regular basis to make the body healthy and balanced weight.

Fat should you consume regularly is the omega 3 fats from fish. You can eat them already in the form of supplements or eating fish directly. Here are some benefits of consuming omega-3 fats.

1. Helps relieve pain
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that patients with chronic neck pain and back pain, the pain reduced after omega-3 supplements for 20 to 30 days. They also no longer taking pain medication.

The key was located in the womb of high omega-3 that can fight the pain from inflammation or swelling. According to Joseph C. Maroons, from the University of Pittsburgh, you do not need a supplement pill to get omega 3. Self-consumption of salmon or mackerel to get omega-3 intake.

2. Maintain weight
Unstable mood can trigger appetite or snack. And it can certainly ruin your diet, and make you gain weight. To overcome the consumption of omega-3 alone, to stabilize mood.

That's according to Douglas Bibus, PhD, omega-3 researchers from the University of Minnesota's Academic Health Center, United States. Consume omega-3 supplements for 30 days, if not successfully add the dose.

3. Make you more cheerful
Fats containing omega-3 DHA 25% very good for your brain and increase the production of the hormone serotonin. These hormones can make you more cheerful, for the people under stress or deperesi are encouraged to consume omega 3.

According to David Perlmutter, author of "The Better Brain Book", omega-3 can be used as anti-depression drugs, because there is a relationship between nutrition and neurological disorders. For that, better than the consumption of omega-3 anti-depression drugs that can cause addiction.

4.Pernafasan more smoothly
Omega 3 is known to reduce the risk of inflammation that occurs disaluran breath can cause asthma. If you or your baby exposed to consume omega-3 Asama regularly every day.

According to research by Indiana University, asthma patients who consume more omega-3 less asthma attacks, compared to not mengounsumsi omega 3. Researchers suggest Untk taking omega 3 supplements in pill form.

5. Maintaining a healthy heart
Omega 3 can help lower high blood pressure and prevent blood clotting. Because it is very good for heart health. In addition, omaga 3 is also highly recommended for diabetics.

"People with diabetes have a higher risk of inflammation or swelling, consumption of omega-3 may reduce the risk," Bibus said. Eat vegetables such as spinach, avocado and soy products or edamame beans. Bhan these foods contain too much omega 3.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

have you get your health lifestyle ?

Find out whether you already live the lifestyle is right or wrong!

Exercising regularly, eating foods with balanced nutrition, and not smoking is a healthy lifestyle. You have undergone previous habit, and thought have been maintaining good body condition. Find out whether you already live the lifestyle is right or wrong!

1. Know your family history of disease
By knowing the history of maternal illness, siblings, and grandmother, you can quickly discuss a problem with the doctor. Thus, hereditary disease could be prevented or cured before it is too severe. This hereditary disease such as diabetes, cancer, and high blood. After all, it's better to prevent than cure, right?

2. Create a sleep as a priority
Fell asleep while being on the bed, and exhausted when I woke up a sign that the disturbed sleep habits. Most people need 7-9 hours of rest each night. To optimize the sleep time, in the holiday try to sleep more quickly than usual and wake up by itself, without the aid of an alarm clock. Through this week, your body will be fresh. Then, practice these sleep schedule on weekdays. Go to bed early, do not wait until you feel tired. You'll sleep regularly.

3. Annual checkups
No loss to a check-up to the doctor even though you've aged 25 years, because it is useful to detect early disease without any symptoms appear. For married women, check-ups to the gynecologist will be better again. Ideally, Pap smear tests conducted since the year after intercourse and should be kept once a year.

4. Maintain ideal body weight
Stay healthy with ideal body weight can prevent diabetes, breast cancer and other diseases. If your weight is always up and down within a period not too long, the body's metabolic system to be chaotic. Thus, increasing age, more and more difficult to get ideal weight, because the more difficult to burn calories in the body.

5. Consuming calcium-rich foods
Eat, exercise, and other lifestyle habits (eg, smoking) can affect your bone mass, in terms of positive or negative. Therefore, it is important to get input calcium 1000 mg per day. Consumption is also calcium-rich foods, such as low-fat cheese, yogurt, spinach, and orange juice. Consuming supplements were good, but get calcium from food as needed would be even better.

6. Stay away from alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages can increase the risk of liver damage and become an alcoholic. If you can avoid it, then you also protect heart health. Avoid alcoholic beverages for a healthier life.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Concentrating hard? Dining Food Here!

These foods not only makes you focus on work, but also improve memory.

After lunch, usually the spirit of work began to decline. Body felt weak, and drowsiness began to attack. As a result, the concentration of work was interrupted.

But, luckily there was food that you eat to increase the concentration of work and makes the mind more clearly. As junk food snacking desires are soaring, try the following food choices to increase your concentration!

Wheat cereal and orange juice
Start the day by eating a bowl of wheat cereal and a glass of orange juice. Two meals are rich in folic acid content, which can make sharper memory, and brain absorb information more quickly. For snacks during the day, you can get folic acid intake from food made from soybeans (tempeh, tofu, milk), broccoli, and green beans.

Cauliflower and peas
A study of hospital McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate, USA, suggested supplements citicoline (500 mg) every day to add energy. Natural choline also you can get from the cauliflower and beans. When entered into the tubh, choline will turn into citicoline.

Broccoli, bean sprouts and spinach
If you order vegetables at lunch, be sure to include these types of vegetables in it. Menu options such as gado-gado, a salad, cap cay, or ketoprak. Harvard did a study of 13,000 female respondents who consume these foods. Proven, memory and concentration they grew.

Fruit of berries, grapes, and plums
In fruit, assorted fruit berries have antioxidants to increase the highest concentrations. Plus, this fruit also contain anthocyanins, a nutritional substance that can inhibit memory loss aka You can not easily be senile. Quercetin, other nutrients are also contained in the berries also have the same benefits. Blueberries, apples, dark grapes (purple, red, and black) also contains two types of flavonoids on top.

Salmon and Mackarel
Numerous studies have shown nutrition to generate memory, one of which is omega-3 fatty acids. Mackarel salmon and rich content of omega 3 fatty acids. Eating fish at least once a week can make the brain more 'youthful'.

According to research Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, USA found that women and men who regularly eat fish, their memory sharper, and easier to focus on the job. Do not like fish? You can take fish oil supplements.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Overcome Constipation with Labu Siam

In addition to amino acids and vitamin C, squash is also rich in fiber.

You often suffer from constipation? Try squash consumption for it. Chayote is more often eaten after cooked with other vegetables in the vegetable and vegetable Lodeh acid.

However, this gummy vegetables proved to have better efficacy if taken as Lalapan, after boiled or steamed.

According to the book The Visual Food Encyclopedia, besides containing amino acids and vitamin C, squash is also rich in fiber. Therefore, these vegetables are consumed suited to overcome constipation.

Not only that, high in fiber squash is also able to reduce bad cholesterol re-absorption in the intestine, and inhibits the absorption of fat from foods, thus lowering blood sugar levels.

Result, these conditions can reduce the risk of hypertension. In addition, because it is soothing, steamed squash or cooked can also help the healing process of canker sores.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

When will Need Drink Supplements?

In certain circumstances, the body needs extra vitamins and minerals different.

No doubt, intake of vitamins and minerals is an important part of everyday life. However, there are times when food intake is consumed, not to cover the portion of vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Therefore, nutritional supplements your body needs to be fulfilled. In fact, in certain circumstances, the body needs extra vitamins and minerals different. Conditions like what we recommend, we are also taking supplements?

- She was pregnant: folic acid
- Women breastfeeding: vitamin D

- Seniors: vitamin B12 and D
- Vegetarians, vegans type: vitamin B12 and D
(without the consumption of meat and dairy products)

- Smokers: Vitamin C
- In a diet program: multivitamins

- High risk Osteoporis: vitamin D
- Seldom exposed to the sun: vitamin D