Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Easily Stop snoring

Changing your sleeping position can help to overcome the problem snoring.

Snoring is a sleep problem that can be experienced by men and women. Although uncommon, nonetheless disturbing snoring, especially on married couples.

Snoring during sleep sometimes only be taken lightly, just because of fatigue alone. In fact, snoring habits indicate a problem in terms of health.

If seen from the frequency, snoring is a sleep disorder that can lead to better medical and social consequences.

Want to know how to stop snoring? There are some simple ways you can do.

1. Sleep on their backs
Snoring is due to respiratory disorders. According site, you should be on his side while sleeping. It makes the air flow in the body becomes more smoothly and avoid the occurrence of snoring.

If you are in a prone position, belly and neck will experience pressure, and makes the air difficult to flow and have a blockage, and that happens then you will spend snoring.

2. Lose weight
One of the factors that triggered the snoring are excess weight. If you have folds of fat around the neck, should you need to immediately start a diet program.

Because, folds of fat around the neck makes the air flow becomes blocked and make you snore. It also can cause respiratory problems that can cause death.

3. Reduce the consumption of alcohol and sleeping pills
Alcohol and sleeping pills can make you become more relaxed
but it can weaken the nervous system in the jaw and throat.

The weakening of the nervous system that makes a sound or a breath
snoring during sleep.

Keadaan itu juga bisa memicu kesulitan bernafas saat tidur yang juga berhubungan dengan penyakit kardiovaskular. Should consult a sleep disorder you're experiencing with your doctor, do not be any sleeping pill.

4. Avoid allergens
Usually trigger chronic allergic respiratory problems, and it also
the cause of snoring. If you have an allergic disease should avoid provocation.

Suppose you are allergic to the cold, try to set the room temperature so as not to create an allergy to recur and it is hard to breathe, and do not forget to regularly clean the room and your bed equipment.

5. Provide mouth guard
If your doctor recommends to use a mouth guard, it never hurts to buy it. These tools will help keep the teeth and lower jaw muscles are not weakened and can reduce snoring.

6. Stop smoking
Smoking is one cause of your sleep snoring. System
Respiratory covered by substances that come from cigarettes, and that
make your breathing difficulties during sleep, and finally snoring.

7. Regular sleep
Sufficient and regular sleep is one way to stop the
snoring. Try to sleep and wake at the same time each

8. Check with your doctor if you snore during pregnancy
Sometimes, women begin to snore when pregnant. That,
due to increased body weight and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Whatever the cause, should consult a physician because of snoring during pregnancy may be an indication the baby in the womb of oxygen deficiency.

9. Lift your head while sleeping
Sleeping with your head a little higher to make it easier to breathe. Try using a bit high pillow while sleeping, it will make breathing more smoothly and prevent snoring.

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