Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Plants In Space Healing Therapy Aids

When treated in a room decorated with plants, the patients experienced faster recovery.

A room will feel more refreshed by the plant. Green leaves and colorful plants can refresh the eyes and mind.

In the science of feng shui, plants in the room is necessary for the harmonization between man and nature, whether inanimate or alive.

But other than that, it plants in the room also has a therapeutic effect in a period of healing. According to research published in A The American Society for Horticultural Science, indoor plants can help the recovery of patients who had surgery.

Seong-Hyun Park and Richard H. Mattson from Kansas State University did a study of 90 patients who had appendectomy surgery. The respondents were given the option to maintain the plants in space or not. Then do the test.

Patients who undergo the recovery period in a room decorated plants decreased symptoms of pain, anxiety, and fatigue. Decreased blood pressure and stable. The patients also admitted, saw a fresh crop waking make their hearts happy.

While patients in the room no plants actually have increased pain, anxiety, and fatigue during the healing period.

This study shows that treatment with drugs or the usual therapy in patients is not enough. Another factor that needs to be psychologically uplifting.

Medical therapy with these plants is not new. Therapy or garden plant called Horticultural Therapy (HT) was originally made Dr. Benjamin Rush in the early 19th century. He has proved the positive effects of plants or a beautiful garden that can make the heart happy and stress away.

Throughout World War II, HT throughout the developing world to cope with the stress of illness and depression due to the war.

Therefore, more and more hospitals that provide the plants in the garden space and also as a means of recreation of the patients. With such a stress outlet, patients get quicker recovery.

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