Friday, January 16, 2009

Make white Teeth trigger cancer

The use of laser light to whiten teeth can cause skin cancer and eye.

Teeth whitening is no longer a requirement, but it has become part of the beauty trends. To get a brighter smile with bright white teeth, a lot of people willing to perform various methods of tooth whitening.

Today, tooth whitening can not be done at the dental clinic. Many beauty salons providing teeth whitening services. In fact, many tooth whitening products are sold free and can be done alone at home. This is of course more practical and cheaper than having to dental clinic.

Technological developments also make the teeth whitening methods more sophisticated. Began to use a special liquid to ultraviolet laser devices (UV).

But what about the safety factor? Not all methods of tooth whitening is safe for health. Good for healthy teeth and oral cavity, as well as other organs health.

Tooth whitener that contains hydrogen peroxide can erode tooth enamel and irritate the gums. But other research results more striking, tooth whitening laser can harm the eyes and skin.

A healthcare organization in the UK, The Royal Society of Chemistry, conducted a study of methods of laser tooth whitening, and found that UV rays are directed to whiten your teeth can bring side effects to the eyes and skin health. This can occur if the tooth whitening process, the skin and unprotected eyes so affected by exposure to UV light.

UV exposure required for tooth whitening methods have the power radiation four times more powerful than ordinary sunlight. When exposed directly to the skin and eyes, can cause damage to cells and trigger cancer.

But why the UV rays become one of the mainstay method for memutuhkan teeth? According to experts, can help to UV oxidation process materials one tooth bleaching hydrogen peroxide. The result is more effective to accelerate the process of lifting the dirt and stains on the teeth.

If you are more secure, you should select the method of UV light that the laser device mounted on the teeth only just. So the skin and eyes are not exposed to UV light.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Forecasting Face Skin Disease Through

Skin changes how and what diseases can be predicted?

The face is the 'window' soul, so the sound of a Chinese proverb. Based on the book of ancient Chinese medicine, Huang Ti Nei Ching in the 50th century BC, the condition of facial skin may be indicators of health of organs in the human body.

Dr. Kevin Huang, Traditional Chinese Medicine Consultant, smooth blood circulation that affect the overall body condition, reflected by facial skin that can describe the health condition of the body as a whole.

In order to discover a healthy body through the skin, needed an indicator or benchmark. And indicators is your skin in normal conditions. Why your own skin? Because the normal skin condition that everyone is different.

This normal skin can be observed when you're feeling very healthy, fit, energetic. According to Huang, the health condition of the body change (no health problems), your skin is, too, is changing. Skin changes how and what diseases can be predicted?

In accordance with the four elements that affect the life, through the skin color, you can see who has health problems. Observe if the facial skin changes as follows:

- If the skin looks more red than usual (fire element), can mean there is interference with the heart and blood circulation. There is also the possibility you suffer from high blood pressure.

- If the skin appears yellow (earth element), you may experience interference in the stomach area (digestive problems) and lymph nodes.

- If the skin looks pale white (metal elements), could be blood in your body's intake of oxygen deficiency.

- If the skin appears dark or black (water element), you may have an interference with the body and drains the reproductive tract.

- When looking facial skin is yellow-green (wood element), is suspected in your body there is a disturbance in the liver or in the exhaust system of toxic substances (toxic).

Friday, January 9, 2009

Garlic, Enemy of the Skin Cancer

Garlic contains a natural compound that inhibits lipid peroxide, cause cancer.

Garlic has long been known to have positive benefits for the heart. But, recent studies show garlic can also reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Based on research by Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute in India, India, garlic digestive process in the body can delay the formation and reduce the size of tumors in the skin.

In studies, garlic contains naturally occurring compounds that are formed when allicin molecules interact with each other. These compounds can block lipid peroxide, cause cancer. In addition, these compounds may also help the body fight cancer cells survive.

Skin cancer is the second cancer attacking the most productive age, 15-39 years old. Skin cancer is also the cause of death of 1.700 in the UK each year.

Other research reveals the benefits of garlic for various diseases such as lowering cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Garlic also can keep the stability of the flow from the heart through veins. In addition, garlic has also been shown to prevent the formation of gallstones.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Practice Intelligence Children From Birth

Stimulants stimulant the brain works can be given since the baby is born.

Smart to have a child every parent's desires. In order for your child's smart, necessary stimulants stimulants early brain works.

A child psychiatrist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Dr. dr. Tjhin Wiguna, SpKJ, say, stimulants can be given since the baby is born.

"Stimulation is conducted in an atmosphere to play, continuous and varied," he said in a talk show 'How to Establish a Child Healthy, Smart, and Quality' in Jakarta, Saturday, October 10, 2009.

Stimulus will help the establishment of branches of brain cells and double the number of connections formed between cells of the brain that the brain circuitry that is more complex, sophisticated, and powerful. Giving stimulants vary depending on the age of the child.

Age 0-3 months
Stimuli that can be given a comfortable, safe, and fun, such as hugging, holding, baby eyes, take a smile, cracking sound or music, bright moving objects, rolling slowly to the right and left, and positioning it on his stomach / back.

Age 3-6 months
Bring your baby-boo play, and the mirror to see the expression itself. At this age, babies begin to train for his stomach, sat down, and stretched himself.

Age 6-9 months
Parents can begin to get used to call the child's name, shaking hands, clapping, standing with the handle training, and read stories.

Age 9-12 months
Encourage your child to imitate the name his mama and daddy. He also taught to drink from a glass, or playing ball rolling and practice to learn to take the ball himself.

Age 12-18 months
Teach your child to doodle with color pencil on paper, arrange cubes, blocks, and puzzles. It is time also trained to walk without support, walking backwards, and climbing stairs.

Age 18-24 months
Began to take the little discussion about the pictures or pointed parts of the body. Talk about everyday activities, and practice hand washing.

Over 2 years of age
At this age children already prepared for preschool activities. Teach your child knows colors, counting objects, brush teeth, dress himself, learn to use the toilet themselves, and all the things your child to train independently.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This way To The Achievement in School

Try tingkankan your role as a parent in determining the baby's accomplishments.

Children in school achievement is not entirely determined by academic ability. Your role as a parent are also very large in determining the child's achievement.

We report a bad boy at school not to blame in a hurry. Find out first what the cause by asking the child. Do not even say a curse him for poor performance. That would only make sense to believe him down and bad effect on psychological development.

If you think the value is a bad boy look bad again the definition of value for you. Do not you think the bad value is a value other than A or 10. Expecting a child to get a high score is not wrong but try to understand the child's ability.

Achievement children could decline triggered by many things. One of them is the difficulty to concentrate class. If so you should talk with his teacher at school. Move the seat into the front is one way to maintain concentration.

Then, if the value of poor children in certain lessons could be he did not like the lesson. You can motivate them to accompany him to learn or promising to give a gift if he succeeded in getting enough value in these lessons. Tell all lessons must be learned if he wants to take the class.

Talents and abilities of different children, she might have been weak in engineering classes, but a high value on social class. Try to look back at your child's abilities. Do not be too hard child to get good grades in all subjects.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Make Room At The Comfort Zone

Create a warm family room and comfort for a place to relax.

Leisure can be different for each person. Some people need a warm family room and comfort. Some others want that live atmosphere and exciting.

However, the important thing is that the effect could be felt. Because of that, displaying the furniture needs to create the mood, as well as the proper style.

Choosing color
Neutral colors are calm and warm, classic choice for the family room. Apply the color of honey and light brown when the room got darker and less sunlight. You also can provide color shades of gray and shades of stone if you want to create 'atmosphere' cooler.

If you do not like the color of light, choose a soothing pastel colors. The effect was cool but not cold. Try combining a palette of pastel accents and contrast: pale blue, pale green and lavender, with pink and yellow senruhan cream to taste warm.

You can also choose colors that are not striking with the natural character such as a denim blue, earth tones and soft colors of moss green leaves.

Alas comfortable
When the order of colors is limited, you need to apply a lot of texture. This is important to create warmth, contrast, variation, and patterns. In order for the family room more warm and comfortable place carpets, cushions, and sofa upholstery.

Look for colored fabrics with a pattern typical flat. For example, half-woolen cloth with stripes pattern resembles a fish skeleton, brocade and velvet weaving.

Use a strong upholstery for the cushions on the floor and seats. Apply silk and cotton lightweight decorative pillows. For a luxurious look, choose a rich blend of patterns for your fabrics, and a passionate kombinasiwarna. Try terracotta color with dark blue.

Maintenance-free furniture
Comfort is related to the peace of mind. So, besides the aesthetic problem, consider the practicality. If you ate a busy woman, you should not choose a beige sofa or other soft colors. You need a dark cloth and easily washable.

Upholstery with a little texture and pattern to be the best choice. While the light and plain fabrics, stains easily visible, and can look sloppy on furniture used every day. Try denim or heavy linen. This will create a contemporary look inconspicuous. Stain not easily visible, and easy to clean.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Safety Tips Leave Empty Houses As Mudik

This is the way to the house safe from theft and security anticipation electric & gas!

Home visit during Lebaran aka forth is one ritual that many immigrants traveled from outside Jakarta. However, sometimes the joy behind it, tucked concern to leave the house when going home. Because the house was empty when the holidays are often the target of thieves.

But, not only a thief that you need to anticipate when to leave the house when going home, but also the security of electricity and gas stoves. The fear, these are often the cause of the fire. Therefore, before you go around, it's good to follow safety tips to leave this shelter:

1. Avoid things that can indicate that your house is empty so as not to attract the attention of the thief. These measures such as the newspaper asked the agent to not send the papers while you are away or put slippers or shoes at the door.

2. Do not leave valuables such as cash and jewelry put in the closet of the house. Money and jewelry should be placed in the bank to make it more secure.

3. Make sure all electricity safely, and no electronic device is turned to avoid electrical short that can cause fires. All it takes is a single lamp lit to avoid the impression of an empty house. If you want to turn off the electricity, use automatic lights that can die and burn themselves with the first setting the desired time.

4. Turn off the PAM, and remove gas stove hose.

5. Laporlah to the RT / RW local about your loss. Also provide mobile phone number to call. If the unlikely event of an emergency you will easily be reached. Leave the house from neighbors who are not going home or inform the security officer in the neighborhood.

6. If necessary, install an alarm to prevent thieves into the house, or install a hidden camera at a certain point such as bedroom and living room while you are traveling.

7. Make sure all doors and windows are locked before leaving the house.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Motivating Children Diligent Learning, Easy,!

Identify interests and learning styles trend following kids!

Learning for some children is boring. They tried to escape from learning activities. Although the study, just a compulsion. The end, children are not fully digest the lessons.

At home of course something else again. It would be more difficult to optimize the child to learn. They are sometimes very reluctant if asked to study at home.

"Later Mah, an important homework is done."
"Enjoy a favorite cartoon was, Mother."
"Wait, Dad! Here again is still fun to play games, responsibility. "
"Males, Dad! Tomorrow's not a test. "

That the answers they give when asked to learn. In fact, some become angry when told to learn. As a result, parents become frustrated and reluctant to accompany the child to learn.

Why is that? Laziness children certainly not without reason. We must wisely judge. Many factors that make children lazy to learn. Among other things, learning methods that are not in accordance with nature, the atmosphere is not supportive, and felt troubled world of pleasure and play.

This needs to be clarified by the parent to the child to regain the passion for learning. Identify interests and learning style tendencies of children. Does the child have a learning style auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, or visual. Then, pull the child in accordance with the method of learning styles.

If auditory, be you as a listener and a good speaker. Auditory child is a good listener. They are able to absorb most of the information they hear. They are more easily absorb the lesson with the process of discussion and dialogue. Let him bring difficulties encountered when do the problems at hand.

Let the child because his own work. Leads and pancinglah with sentences suggestion. For example, "I think the mother believed you could do it because this problem is similar to the problems that you did yesterday." Or "Try to remember how the teacher had to explain this lesson in school." Or other phrases that could provoke creative thinking auditory child

This Polygamy Impact on Children

What if polygamy perjadi done regardless of the opinion of children?

Polygamy now seems more and more done. Many opposition parties, but many also support polygamy because it was considered not conflict with religion. If polygamy is done regardless of the opinions of children and this negative impact on the growth of the process.

"Basically all of the children expect to have the ideal family consisted of one father and one mother. Children are always loved and wanted to get full attention. When the father did polygamy jealousy, anger, sadness disappointment would not be helped," said Seto Mulyadi , child psychologist, when contacted by telephone VIVAnews on 27 October 2009.

According to the man nicknamed this kak Seto, feelings of anger, disappointment and jealousy that can pile up and will interfere with children's emotions. Not only affects the psychological but also physical and academic achievement. Cheerful child will decrease even disappear due to the pile emotion.

"Piles of emotions can make a child turn one hundred eighty degrees from the cheerful to be angry, withdrawn, unruly, and defiant. Mind is full of kids these emotions can hinder good development of the child psychologically, physically, and could hamper his performance at the school" clearly Kak Seto.

According to Kak Seto experience, the children whose fathers are less likely to accept polygamy and perform rejection reactions. This also affects the child and father relationship became more tenuous.

"If indeed the father to polygamy, heartened try to apologize to the child. Because, polygamy and child must be able to hurt him to think negatively and apathy toward the institution of marriage later. Explaining the patience and apologize is one event to minimize the negative impact of polygamy for children, "said Kak Seto.

In addition to negative impacts, when viewed from the positive side, polygamy can teach some things. "Children will be learning more rigid in the face of a problem, he could also have a higher tolerance and if given a better understanding of the mind can be more accepting of things that are considered difficult to accept a lot of people," said Kak Seto.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Choose carefully Child Skin Care Products

Today many emerging skin care products for children, safe and effective?

Today many emerging skin care products, perfumes and cosmetics that can be used by the mother and child. These products safe for your child?

When choosing a safe product for children and toddlers, select the entry in the category of cosmetics. For children aged over 2 years, all kinds of cosmetics are relatively safe to use, because it does not change the function of the skin.

But, that should be observed, choosing products for infants, should be more careful. Once the baby is born, her skin structure is already equal to adults. But, its function is immature and imperfect, and just the same as adult skin after the baby turns 2 years old. Baby's skin when ages 0 - 2 years tend to be thinner.

In infants, because of thinner skin, the greater absorbsinya function. Especially on the fold areas, such as folds of elbows, knees, armpits, and the eyes and lips. Noteworthy is not put products containing alcohol (methanol,
ethanol, isopropyl alcohol) to parts of these folds. Alcohol is drying so easily cause irritation.

other than that, see if your child has special conditions, such as dry skin or eczema since birth milk (usually arising in the cheek area with a reddish color). These symptoms can appear already when the baby was 2 months. Although only arise in the face, it indicates the overall dry skin and sensitive.

You should not put products containing fragrance materials and preservatives into your baby's skin. But, this does not mean that all fragrance materials and preservatives should be avoided, because the sensitivity of each child vary. (Consult with your doctor).