Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Plants In Space Healing Therapy Aids

When treated in a room decorated with plants, the patients experienced faster recovery.

A room will feel more refreshed by the plant. Green leaves and colorful plants can refresh the eyes and mind.

In the science of feng shui, plants in the room is necessary for the harmonization between man and nature, whether inanimate or alive.

But other than that, it plants in the room also has a therapeutic effect in a period of healing. According to research published in A The American Society for Horticultural Science, indoor plants can help the recovery of patients who had surgery.

Seong-Hyun Park and Richard H. Mattson from Kansas State University did a study of 90 patients who had appendectomy surgery. The respondents were given the option to maintain the plants in space or not. Then do the test.

Patients who undergo the recovery period in a room decorated plants decreased symptoms of pain, anxiety, and fatigue. Decreased blood pressure and stable. The patients also admitted, saw a fresh crop waking make their hearts happy.

While patients in the room no plants actually have increased pain, anxiety, and fatigue during the healing period.

This study shows that treatment with drugs or the usual therapy in patients is not enough. Another factor that needs to be psychologically uplifting.

Medical therapy with these plants is not new. Therapy or garden plant called Horticultural Therapy (HT) was originally made Dr. Benjamin Rush in the early 19th century. He has proved the positive effects of plants or a beautiful garden that can make the heart happy and stress away.

Throughout World War II, HT throughout the developing world to cope with the stress of illness and depression due to the war.

Therefore, more and more hospitals that provide the plants in the garden space and also as a means of recreation of the patients. With such a stress outlet, patients get quicker recovery.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Room Decoration

Collection of objects or works can be little room decor.

Child's room is full of fantasy world that is very important for growth. In his room, children develop creativity and imanjinasinya.

Because that's necessary to improve a child's room with style that reflects her age. Bright colors and unique images of children are decorations that make them brighter room.

If you want to rearrange, you do not need a lot of money. With creative ideas, you can decorate a child's room with the objects themselves and work in the style of your child's favorite.

DIY Painting

No need to buy expensive posters to decorate the baby's room. You can display the paintings of his own child. Thus, he could better appreciate his own work.

In addition, by displaying his work, the child also was also able to show a friend who was visiting his room. It can foster self-confidence of children.

You can display the picture in a way mounted on the frame or by hanging with a rope and clothespins clipped like. Then a rope attached around the child's bedroom wall. More unique, is not it?

Trinkets Collection

Does your child like to collect trinkets unique? For example a house or a conch shell hunting on the beach during the holidays. Or even a collection of those bottle caps that have been piling up.

Collect unique items that become 'treasure' your baby's. Houses snails, shells, or a bottle cap that you can enter into a clear jar and then made a display on the desk. Thus they can recall the struggle when collecting objects collection.

If you want more creative, encourage your child to make construction of the goods that their collections. For example the attached picture frames shell, or container of plywood pencil decorated with bottle caps.

If your little girl likes to collect dolls, doll display on a shelf or shelves on the wall of her room.

Garnish with the initials of the

A child must feel proud of his initials. Letter to the beginning of his name as is manifest themselves in them.

Children's room decorated with the initials of his favorite letter is the easiest way to choose. For example by making a tiny pillow-shaped initials. Can also create a decorative wall with a large initials on the wall.

Or by displaying an ornament of his initials on the front door of his room. That way, children feel a personal territory and there is a responsibility to keep his room.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Build Cheap Home, Not Only a Dream

There is a way to house bertata elegant and beautiful architecture built with low cost.

Beautiful house by Yu Sing is the house that carries the utilization of recycled materials, easy maintenance, easy to manufacture, efficient materials, environmentally friendly, good layout, and so forth. Sing Yu also said the fine did not always have to be expensive.

Is the house bertata elegant and beautiful architecture can be built with low cost? Perhaps the answer to this question will be doubted by most people. But for a Yu Sing this is possible. Not without reason because Yu Sing says so. He is in his book Dreams mengulasnya Cheap Houses. A book for beginners nutritious and highly referential for anyone including for the future of architecture and architecture.

This book contains a collection of inspirational stories behind the making of the house and with budget estimates and cost plans, land area, and the other as. Not without reason a house built, designed, until the house was comfortably inhabited. Leisure, story, characters, and the struggle of ideas and collect materials, to the first foundation has invested spiritual values that we need to appreciate.

Design travel stories with a variety of design methods with the concept of open design cycle. Ninety percent of the old house materials used to renovate the house. Yu Sing in designing the plant to accommodate the interests of the owner of the house with the atmosphere around the house. Yu Sing House Caringin call.

In addition, Yu Sing also mixes traditional-style home design and modern minimalist. This house was built on land where 30 square meters owned by Heru in Pontianak. Present a unique sensation when the sun burst through the bamboo house.

Each home design in this book always opens with a review after the character designs residents. Analysis on hobbies, work, and the owner of the house favorites are usually used as inspiration for designing the house. As the character of a house believed to be influenced by the occupants. As examples of rock climbing penghobi house as an expression of freedom of the house style of post modernism.

Residential homes not only as a place of quiet and refuge, rest, mingle with the family. More than the touch of architectural and ways to overcome the budget is also controlled bugjet art and creativity that needs to continue to be extracted. So have a cheap and beautiful house is no longer a dream. Check out the Dream Home Cheap books published Transmedia.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Exempt House from Termites

Eradicate the animals 'eating' this wood must eradicate the colony.

If the signs of termite attack began to emerge, like the beads of smooth white wood of the very porous structure, the action must be taken. If not, these winged insects could create further damage.

The types of termites are common are dry wood termites (live in wood materials, especially in places with warm weather and humid climate), termite soil (nested in soil with high clay content, and not sandy).

Exterminate termites can not be done by killing the termites in the surface. You also need to eradicate termites from koloninya.Ada several methods that can be done for this, among others:

- Spraying. Part of the building showed signs of termite attack sprayed with termisida. This will eradicate termites nest in wood.

However, spraying is only exterminate termites in the wood alone. That nest on the ground remain safe. This method should be combined with termisida injection into the soil along the foundation of the building.

- Passer sentricon technology. This control method is more environmentally friendly, because it directly attacked the termites and their colony. Sentricon feeder consists of two alat.Pertama a feeder mounted on the wall or frame of a termite path. The second, a termite detector which is planted in the ground.

In both devices, there is a kind of tissue that become food of termites. This tissue contains heksaflumuron, the enzyme hormone which suppresses the growth metabolism of termites, and eventually kill the termites.

Once installed equipment, termites will come, eat, and distribute it to tissues throughout the colony. Termite colony eventually be poisoned. Including those in the ground. Within 8 weeks, the termite colony will die.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Work overtime endangers Breast Health

Office workers have an increased risk of breast cancer up to three times as much.

Any physical activity you do will surely affect the health of the body. So do your work activities.

A study conducted in Danish women, showed that the activity can make your job affected by breast cancer.

Good job that demands a division of working hours (shift) and often late into the night overtime or regular office work.

2008 last year, Danish National Board of Industrial Injuries, recorded 75 Danish women affected by breast cancer due to working in shift systems. Working in a shift system will disrupt the endocrine hormone production in women.

If the system is experiencing turmoil, will trigger the growth hormone that can cause cancer cells and tumors.

These risks can also occur in women who frequently work overtime. Office hours are irregular disrupt the body's metabolic system.

Relevant research ever conducted in 2001 also show sleep disturbance may inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin in the body function as one of preventing cancer.

Not only shift workers or frequent overtime can be problematic on breast health. Office workers also have a very high risk

Steve Blair of the American College of Sports Medicine reveals that the office work that requires employees to spend time in front of the computer has a risk of breast cancer up to three times as much.

Research does indicate the existence of radiation exposure and carbon emissions from your computer to the breast area while working at the computer. Disorder of breast health will be more severe happen to workers who are often in contact with equipment or heavy machinery.

Another problem which caused the health problems office workers is too much sitting. Too much sitting and not moving very disturbing blood circulation system and muscles working.

This will trigger a backache, back and also osteoporosis. Especially if it is added is less drinking, can result in kidney function disorders and liver.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Natural Stone Park ornate

Natural stone can be applied to the walls of the garden, ponds, paths and stepping stones.

Natural stone is always interesting decorative elements used in the home, especially the park. The application of natural stone mixed with a garden plants rimbunnya more natural.

Decorative natural stone can be applied to the park to the park with a variety of design styles. Both natural garden, tropical, Mediterranean, to modern and minimalist garden once. Application of natural stone can be on the wall garden, ponds, paths, stepping stones and the like.

Choice of natural stone is very diverse. Each stone has a different karaktristik. For example, black river stones have a strong impression, sturdy, but very cool and memorable experience. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta sandstone from ivory white to give the impression more nuanced warm and tropical.

These stones are usually sold in the form of tablets. There is a natural form, there is also the geometric shape of the box-shaped kotak.Lempengan natural stone installation process more difficult. If the installation was correct, the result is less unified.

Shaped stone slab boxes more varied applications. Can be installed flat or even back and forth so that the wall looks more textured.

While the path to decorate or cover the ground, usually used coral small. Any choice coral variety. There is a black or white bow-sized seeds, there is also a very small size of peanut. Coral usually sold in a plastic bag packaging. In addition to beautiful, this coral can also be a reflection tool for the soles of your feet.

In order for decorative natural stone more durable, you would have to do a special treatment. Because of its location is in contact with the outside air, natural stone dull and easily prone to moss.

To be free of moss and mildew, natural stone coated with a liquid varnish. The liquid will prevent the rock pores to absorb too much water. Note also the installation. Do not let the gap between large telalu stone. And clean the rest of the cement as soon as possible so that crusty layer of rock.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Medicine, and the Rest Simply Orange Juice Drink

Jakarta Health Office says the virus that causes flu singapore generally two types.

DKI Jakarta Health Office says the virus that causes flu-singapore in general there are two kinds. One of them is enterovirus coxsackie A16.

If humans are infected with the virus type, no need to worry because it does not cause death and can be handled only with outpatients.

The second virus is enterovirus 71. If this virus is to get more intensive treatment.

Because this virus is more dangerous than ever. In fact, in the event of complications can cause the patient died.

"But the variant type of enterovirus 71 virus was not found in Jakarta," said Chief of Health DKI Jakarta Dien Emmawati quoted sepertii DKI government sites.

Dien said, Singapore's happening flu in Jakarta is not dangerous as long as does not cause secondary infection. Other flu-like illness, this disease can be cured if the patient has a strong immune system.

Therefore, the handling of treatment for patients with only by giving the drug increases the resistance power of body, fever medication, and care to prevent seizures. "With drinking orange juice and rest enough, would heal it," he said.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


aku g ngerti apa maksud dari ini semua tapi aku cuma coba-coba yaaa. mau gimana lagi embooh wissss

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wawasan Nusantara

Wawasan Nusantara adalah cara pandang bangsa Indonesia tentang diri dan lingkungan sekitarnya berdasarkan ide nasionalnya yang berlandaskan pancasila dan UUD 1945 (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945) yang merupakan aspirasi bangsa Indonesia yang merdeka, berdaulat, bermartabat serta menjiwai tata hidup dalam mencapai tujuan perjuangan nasional.
Ruang lingkup dan cakupan wawasan nusantara dalam TAP MPR '83 dalam mencapat tujuan pembangunan nasional :
- Kesatuan Politik
- Kesatuan Ekonomi
- Kesatuan Sosial Budaya
- Kesatuan Pertahanan Keamanan

1.Implementasi Wawasan Nusantara dalam Kehidupan Sosial
Sebagai cara pandang dan visi nasional Indonesia, wawasan Nusantara harus dijadikan arahan, pedoman, acuan dan tuntunan bagi setiap individu bangsa Indonesia dalam membangun dan memelihara tuntutan bangsa dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Karena itu, implementasi atau penerapan Wawasan Nusantara harus tercermin pada pola pikir, pola sikap dan pola tindak yang senantiasa mendahulukan kepentingan bangsa dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.daripada kepentingan pribadi atau kelompok sendiri.
a.Implementasi Wawasan Nusantara dalam kehidupan politik akan menciptakan iklim penyelenggaraan Negara yang sehat dan dinamis. Hal tersebut nampak dalam wujud pemerintahan yang kuat, aspiratif dan terpercaya yang dibangun sebagai penjelmaan kedaulatan rakyat.
b.Implementasi Wawasan Nusantara dalam kehidupan ekonomi akan menciptakan tatanan ekonomi yang benar-benar menjamin pemenuhan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat secara merata dan adil. Di samping itu, mencerminkan tanggung jawab pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat antardaerah secara timbale balik serta kelestarian sumber daya alam itu sendiri.
c.Implementasi Wawasan Nusantara dalam kehidupan sosial budaya akan menciptakan sikap batiniah dan lahiriah yang mengakui, menerima dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan atau kebhinekaan sebagai kenyataan hidup sekaligus sebagai karunia Sang Pencipta. Implementasi ini juga akan menciptakan kehidupan masyarakat dan bangsa yang rukun dan bersatu tanpa membeda-bedakan suku, asal-usul daerah, agama atau kepercayaan, serta golongan berdasarkan status sosialnya.
d.Implementasi Wawasan Nusantara dalam kehidupan Hankam akan menumbuh-kembangkan kesadaran cinta tanah air dan bangsa, yang lebih lanjut akan membentuk sikap bela negara pada setiap warga negara Indonesia. Kesadaran dan sikap cinta tanah air dan bangsa serta bela negara ini akan menjadi modal utama yang akan menggerakkan partsisipasi setiap warga negara Indonesia dalam menanggapi setiap bentuk ancaman, seberapapun kecilnya dan darimanapun datangnya atau setiap gejala yang membahayakan keselamatan bangsa daqn kedaulatan Negara.

2.Tantangan dan Prospek serta Keberhasilan Wawasan Nusantara
a.Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
John Nasbit dalam bukunya �Global Paradox� menyatakan Negara harus dapat memberikan peranan kepada sebesar-besarnya kepada rakyatnya.
Pemberdayaan dalam arti memberikan peranan dalam bentuk aktivitas dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan nasional hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh negara-negara maju dengan buttom-up planning,sedang untuk negara berkembang dengan top-down planning karena adanya keterbatasan sumber daya manusia, sehingga diperlukan landasan operasional berupa GBHN.
Kondisi pembangunan yang tidak merata mengakibatkan keterbelakangan dan ini merupakan ancaman bagi integritas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat diperlukan terutama untuk daerah-daerah tertinggal.
b. Dunia tanpa batas
Mempengaruhi pola pikir, pola sikap, dan pola tindak masyarakat dalam aspek kehidupan. Kualitas sumber daya manusia merupakan tantangan serius dalam menghadapi tantangan global.
c. Era baru kapitalisme
� Sloan dan Zureker
Dalam bukunya �Dictionary of Economics� menyatakan kapitalisme merupakan sistem ekonomi yang didasarkan atas hak milik swasta atas macam-macam barang dan kebebasan individu untuk mengadakan perjanjian dengan pihak lain dan untuk berkecimpung dalam aktivitas-aktivitas ekonomi yang dipilihnya sendiri serta untuk mencapai laba guna diri sendiri.
Di era baru kapitalisme, sistem ekonomi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas secara luas dan mencakup semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat sehingga diperlukan strategi baru yaitu adanya keseimbangan.
� Lester Thurow
Dalam bukunya �The Future of Capitalism� menyatakan untuk bertahan dalam era baru kapitalisme harus membuat strategi baru yaitu keseimbangan antara paham individu dan paham sosialis. Di era baru kapitalisme, negara-negara kapitalis dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya di bidang ekonomi adalah dengan menekan Negara-negara berkembang dengan menggunakan isu-isu global yaitu demokrasi, hak asasi manusia dan lingkungan hidup.
d.Kesadaran warga negara
� Pandangan indonesia tentang hak dan kewajiban
Manusia Indonesia mempunyai kedudukan, hak, dan kewajiban yang sama. Hak dan kewajiban bisa dibedakan akan tetapi tidak bisa dipisahkan.
� Kesadaran bela negara
Dalam mengisi kemerdekaan perjuangan yang dilakukan adalah perjuangan non-fisik untuk memerangi keterbelakangan kemiskinan, kesenjangan sosial, memberantas KKN, menguasai IPTEK, meningkatakan SDM, transparan dan memelihara kesatuan.
Dalam perjuangan non-fisik kesadaran bela negara mengalami penurunan yang tajam di bandingkan dengan perjuangan fisik.

3. Sosialisasi dari Wawasan Nusantara
a. Menurut sifat/cara penyampaian :
� ceramah ? ceramah, diskusi, tatap muka
� tidak langsung ? me

Friday, January 11, 2008

..Dalam bahasa Indonesia, politik dalam arti politics mempunyai makna kepentingan umum warga negara suatu bangsa. Politik merupakan rangkaian asas, prinsip, keadaaan, jalan, cara dan alat yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu yang kita kehendaki
..Politics dan policy mempunyai hubungan yang erat dan timbal balik. Politics memberikan asas, jalan, arah, dan medannya, sedangkan policy memberikan pertimbangan cara pelaksanaan asas, jalan, dan arah tersebut sebaik-baiknya.
..Politik secara umum menyangkut proses penentuan tujuan negara dan cara melaksanakannya. Pelaksanaan tujuan itu memerlukan kebijakan-kebijakan umum (public policies) yang menyangkut pengaturan, pembagian, atau alokasi sumber-sumber yang ada.

Dengan demikian, politik membicarakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan negara, kekuasaan, pengambilan keputusan, kebijakan (policy), dan distribusi atau alokasi sumber daya.
..NegaraNegara merupakan suatu organisasi dalam satu wilayah yang memiliki kekuasaan tertinggi yang ditaati oleh rakyatnya.
..KekuasaaanKekuasaan adalah kemampuan seseorang atau kelompok untuk mempengaruhi tingkah laku orang atau kelompok lain sesuai dengan keinginannya.
..Pengambilan keputusan
Pengambilan keputusan adalah aspek utama politik. Jadi, politik adalah pengambilan keputusan melalui sarana umum dan keputusan yang diambil menyangkut sektor publik dari suatu negara.
..Kebijakan umum
Kebijakan (policy) merupakan suatu kumpulan keputusan yang diambil oleh seseorang atau kelompok politik dalam memilih tujuan dan cara mencapai tujuan itu.
..DistribusiDistribusi adalah pembagian dan pengalokasian nilai-nilai (value) dalam masyarakat. Nilai adalah sesuatu yang diinginkan dan penting, ia harus dibagi secara adil

..Strategi berasal dari bahasa Yunani strategia yang diartikan sebagai �the art of the general� atau seni seorang panglima yang biasanya digunakan dalam peperangan. Karl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) berpendapat bahwa strategi adalah pengetahuan tentang penggunaan pertempuran untuk memenangkan peperangan. Sedangkan perang itu sendiri merupakan kelanjutan dari politik.
..Dalam pengertian umum, strategi adalah cara untuk mendapat-kan kemenangan atau pencapaian tujuan. Dengan demikian, strategi tidak hanya menjadi monopoli para jendral atau bidang militer, tetapi telah meluas ke segala bidang kehidupan.
..Politik nasional diartikan asas, haluan, usaha serta kebijaksanaan negara tentang pembinaan (perencanaan, pengembangan, pemeliharaan, dan pengendalian) serta penggunaan kekuatan nasional untuk mencapai tujuan nasional.
..Strategi nasional adalah cara melaksanakan politik nasional dalam mencapai sasaran dan tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh politik nasional.

..Penyusunan politik dan strategi nasional perlu memahami pokok-pokok pikiran yang terkandung dalam sistem manajemen nasional yang berlandaskan ideologi Pancasila, UUD 1945, Wawasan Nusantara, dan Ketahanan Nasional.

..Politik dan strategi nasional yang telah berlangsung selama ini disusun berdasarkan sistem kenegaraaan menurut UUD 1945. sejak tahun 1985 telah berkembang pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa jajaran pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga yang tersebut dalam UUD 1945 merupakan �suprastruktur politik�. Lembaga-lembaga tersebut adalah MPR, DPR, Presiden, DPA, BPK, MA.
..Mekanisme penyusunan politik dan strategi nasional di tingkat suprastruktur politik diatur oleh presiden/mandataris MPR. Sedangkan proses penyusunan politik dan strategi nasional di tingkat suprastruktur politk dilakukan setelah presiden menerima GBHN.
..Strategi nasional dilaksanakan oleh para menteri dan pimpinan lembaga pemerintah non departemen berdasarkan petunjuk presiden, yang dilaksanakan oleh presiden sesungguhnya merupakan politik dan strategi nasional yang bersifat pelaksanaan.

Stratifikasi kebijakan nasional dalam NKRI, meliputi: Tingkat Penentu Kebijakan Pusat, Tingkat Kebijakan Umum, Tingkat Penentu Kebijakan Khusus, dan Tingkat Penentu Kebijakan Teknis.
..Tingkat Penentu Kebijakan Puncak meliputi kebijakan tertinggi yang lingkupnya nasional mencakup penentuan Undang-undang Dasar, dan yang berkaitan dengan masalah makro politik bangsa dan negara
..Tingkat Penentu Kebijakan Umum merupakan tingkat kebijakan dibawah Tingkat kebijakan Puncak yang lingkupnya juga nasional dan ditekankan pada masalah makro strategis guna mencapai situasi dan kondisi tertentu yang diharapkan.
..Tingkat Penentuan Kebijakan Khusus merupakan kebijakan khusus merupakan penggarisan terhadap suatu bidang utama (major area) pemerintahan.
..Tingkat Penentuan KebijakanTeknis merupakan kebijakan teknis merupakan penggarisan dalam satu sektor dari bidang utama di atas dalam bentuk prosedur serta teknik untuk mengimplementasikan rencana, program, dan kegiatan.

Politik Dalam Negeri/Daerah: Tanggulangi Ancaman Global, Trans National Crime, Terrorism, Radicalism, Separatism, Perkuat Sistem Demokrasi, Balance of Power, Transparansi, Perkuat yang lemah, kontrol yang kuat, otonomi Daerah Secara Konsisten, Langkah Sistematik & Berlanjut, perkuat hubungan2 antar daerah
Dua Macam Kekuasaan dalam Pembuatan Aturan di Daerah
..Wewenang penentuan pelaksanaan kebijakan pemerintah pusat di daerah terletak di tangan gubernur dalam kedudukannya sebagai wakil pemerintah pusat di daerah yuridikasinya masing-masing
..Kepala Daerah berwenang mengeluarkan kebijaka