Friday, April 3, 2009

Create Time Qualified To our son

Do not let your baby feel less attention from you.

Often time-consuming job you and your husband. In fact, there are some jobs that require your time even on holidays. But, do not let it affect your closeness with the child.

To avoid this is to provide and create quality time to spend with children. Before bed you and your child can talk at length about everything.

"A tenuous relationship between parents and children will have a negative impact on psychological development of children. So try to really provide quality time for children," said Ruth Abraham, a child psychologist, when found in a press conference Miniapolis playground, in the Plaza Indonesia , Jakarta October 28, 2009.

Ruth added that parents can bring children to play while having free time. Element of excitement during play that creates closeness. Siasati too narrow time by listening carefully ceritaa child.

"Do not let the child talk, parents are still busy with work, phone, or laptop. Things that make children feel neglected and later he did not tell his parents," added Ruth.

Quality time for children not only provide physical self but also your mind. Do not let the time was with child, you are busy thinking about work. Any smart as you cover it, would the child will feel it.

So, when the child was with a focus try not to think about anything else, if necessary, switch off your phone. It even sounds trivial, but still many parents are hard to do.

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