Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The form is the Secret Sexy Legs More

Perform regular exercise to shape the foot look more sexy.

anyone would want to have a beautiful shape of the foot and strong structure. Well, like other body parts, to form the legs become more beautiful and sexy specific training needs.

Practice for the foot quite easy to do and you can do in the morning or the evening before bed. Here are the steps.

- Toe grip: Before you do use soft socks. Take a standing position and then let your fingers to move your feet gripping the floor trying to hold for 10 seconds. Then lift your toes up, hold also for 10 seconds. Do it in five times count. This exercise is to strengthen the toes and leg muscles to balance.

- Toe extension: Lilit all five fingers of your feet with a piece of elastic cloth. Then develop your legs as if to escape from the loop. When the foot expands hold for 5 seconds. Return to normal position and do it again 5 times. This exercise aims to strengthen the muscles and bones in the foot.

- Calf raise: Stand with one foot, hands on hips, then lift the foot to the front. If you are not able to balance, hold onto a chair or other object for support. When feet above hold for 10 seconds. Do as much as 10 times. When his feet, feel the movement of the calf muscles. This exercise can strengthen your calf muscles and improve balance your feet.

- Calf stretch: Sit on the floor with one leg folded in and one foot out. Then, wrap a small towel on the soles of your feet. Pull the towel, until you feel a bit tense at your feet and calves. Hold for 10 seconds, and do as much as 5 times on each leg. This exercise can make the muscles around the foot becomes tighter.

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