Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fats Can Increase Fertility

Fats help the production of the hormone estrogen. Determinants of fertility hormones.

Most people would menggangap fat is the main enemy of weight loss. Especially if you are undergoing a strict diet program. As much as possible, you will reduce and avoid foods that contain fat.

In fact, fat also has a very important function for the health of the body. Especially for fertility. But of course, whereof also must be kept, do not let too much let alone lack. Health and vitality of the body not only caused by proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins but also fat.

In order for you not against fat, know some of the functions of fat for health.

1. Protector. Fat to protect us from extreme weather either hot or cold. Lemaklah that helps our bodies adjust to temperature changes.

2. Fertility. Fats help the production of hormones including the hormone estrogen. Woman in her body fat levels low, levels of the hormone estrogen tends to be low. Whereas hormone determines fertility.

3. Vitamin carriers. Fats can be regarded as carriers of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Lack of fat can cause vitamin deficiencies that can lead to various diseases.

4. Natural bearing organs. Fat to protect vital organs, so if there is conflict, the organ was covered with fat. If the lack of fat, the crash could have been directly hurt your vital organs.

5. Cell structure. Fat is part of our cells. Nail growth, hair, skin health is also dependent on fat intake. If you're short on fat, nails will grow with fragile, easily falling out of hair, and skin become dry easily. So, your beauty too dependent on fat, to not to lack.
6. Additional energy. Deficiency of fat can trigger headaches, your body was weak and difficult to do activities. It indicates that you are not energized. To avoid that consume foods containing healthy fats, such as beans, nuts and fish.

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