Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prevent Anemia with Vitamin B12

Find out what foods should be consumed so that you free of complaints anemia.

Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products like meat, milk and eggs. Vitamin B12 deficiency can make you get anemia or deficiency is often called the real blood folate deficiency.

That's because without vitamin B12, folate can not contribute the maximum in-cell formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is needed for the release of folate, which helps the formation of blood cells red. Vitamin B12 is also very important in the process of blood cell formation and growth of other cells. Besides maintaining a layer that surrounds and protects nerve.

Unlike other vitamins are soluble in water, vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, kidneys and tissues. Thus vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are often only seen five or six years later. In addition to anemia, a deficiency of vitamin B12 negative impact on the nervous system, making the skin very sensitive and easily wrinkled.

Vitamin B12 works with the substance contained in the stomach as an intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is a substance that binds with vitamin B12 to be absorbed by the body. The more we get older, making the substance and the cells in the stomach forming intrisik factor decreases.

This lead to the decrease of oxygen absorption in cells and can trigger depression and tired muscles. So, from now meet the needs of vitamin B12 by eating animal products. If you do not like the product of animal or vegetarian, can consume vitamin B12 supplements are sold in the market.

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